Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Big Woods, Ch.3

So today in home school land we read chapter 3 of Big Woods. We learned about the mechanics of flintlock guns, owls, staying under the umbrella of protection that God has set up by obeying and honoring your parents; Ep. 6:1-3, Pr. 6:20-21, and Pr. 15:5. We also started a science experiment on rust what what elements protect steel from rusting. We studied about Angels and learned about how God saved Ishmail in Ge. 21:14-21. For fun we made shrinky dink sun catchers, cheap and easy! Payton (almost 5yo) practiced writing her name, something she loves to do while Paige (9yo) did some work in her fraction and word problems math books, something she hates to do!

When I started the day I was behind, but amazingly our school day was short and went rather well (beside the tantrum that Payton decided to throw before we studied obeying our parents! She's always trying to push my buttons and prove to me that her will is stronger than mine! Well I got her beat. I just finished reading The New Strong Willed Child by Dr. Dobson and I have learned a thing or 2 about how to show just who's in charge. Needless to say, things are going to change in little Payton's world!

I have been thinking a lot about our finances lately (like who hasn't), and recently read The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. We have pretty much lived frugally over the past 5 years, but this book did encourage me to create a new (and badly needed) budget, and pay down the small balance of credit card debt that we have. Oh, and I'm also learning to save-somethings I have to admit I have never done.

I listen to all of the doom and gloom about our economy, but-to be perfectly honest-I am looking forward to a cash economy! People (and I once was a victim of this) are to comfortable living beyond their ability and keeping up with the Jones' who are in debt! In fact, I plan on making a trip up to the library to learn about the Great Depression and what it was like, and just how they survived. Maybe I'll learn a few handy tricks. Ya know what they say, knowledge is power, and we could all use some of both right about now.

Well, Paige is about done with her comprehension questions, P.J. (2yo) needs to come out of the bed, and I need to start preparing dinner for tonight, stove top stuffed tuna cakes and rice.

This will end this days ramblings...catch ya the next go 'round :o)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Hurricane Ike

So here I am at 7:21pm waiting for the big storm, Ike, to travel through Houston. According to all of the maps that my dear hubby keeps checking, over and over again, our house will be about 10 miles east of the eye. No, I don't have any windows boarded up. Didn't trim and branches off of any one of the 7 very large trees that we have right around our house. Didn't buy a generator either. Why???? Because all of that stuff cost money, money we don't have. What I do have is the power of prayer and a God that listens.

Don't get me wrong, it's not like I haven't done anything to prepare...I have. I have filled all of the milk jugs that I have been saving for over the past year with water. I put all of them that would fit into both of our freezers, and the rest in the fridge. I cooked up a bit pot of beans and sausage, made a huge batch of pasta salad, cooked a large pot of rice, washed of our clothes and cloth diapers, made sure all of the dishes were clean, cleaned the bath tub and dilled it with water, brought out the Coleman lantern, propane stove top, flash lights, hand crank radio, took pictures off all of our assets/inventory both in and out of the house (for insurance purposes), and removed any and all debris from our front and back yard. I'm sure I have done more, but that is all I can think of at the moment.

The sky outside is just now turning a light shade of purple. It's very pretty. The wind has been gusting through the trees since about 6pm. Everything seems calm. It's hard to believe that there's a huge storm headed right toward us. It's actually one of the prettiest nights I've seen in a while.

I have chatted with all of my neighbors around me. The oldest couple that lives across the street, and has been here for 30 years, left this morning. Him and his wife are planning on staying in a local hotel. The single lady that lives next door to us, and has lived here for the past 25 years, is staying put. She didn't board up any windows. Our neighbors on the other side of us are staying put too. They do have a generator, but no windows boarded up. The consensus seems to be, no windows boarded up. Makes me feel a bit more level headed.

As I type the sky is becoming such a prettier shade of pastel purple. The whole outside seems to be turning to that same color. I can hear the tv. in the living room. The reporters are going on and on about the path of the storm, the winds, the surge, and all of the possible damage that could occur to our area. I have been hearing this all week. I so needed to blog.

Ah...here comes a blast of wind. Sounds scarier than it actually is for the moment. Almost makes me want to curl up and go to sleep.

Well...I think I have typed enough for now. I'm gonna go see what the rest of the family is up to. No doubt, they are all glued to the reporters on the tube :o)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Palin for VP or MomE?

I have to admit that I was very excited when I first learned of McCain's choice for running mate, Sara Palin. From what I have seen she is; funny, intelligent, sharp, decisive, morally centered, and a woman of faith. She promises to be a voice for women around the country that have had struggles trying to care for their children with special needs. She has put a stop to most of the government-level corruption in the state witch she governs, Alaska. She is for drilling in the north slopes of Alaska, something that is both unpopular and considered taboo there. She has shown that she has what it takes to be a responsible leader, to be the voice of opposition, but what about her personal responsibilities at home?

The Bible tells us that women are to be "workers at home". Titus 2:3-5 (emphasis added) that, "Older women (are to) teach what is good...that they may encourage the young woman to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands..." What does The Bible mean by stating that women are to be "workers at home"? The Greek word used for this phrase is "oikourgos" and comes from 2 root words. The first root word "oikos" means "a dwelling, a home, or a household". The second root word "ergon" means "to work or to be employed".

For a woman that has a family at home there are 2 seasons. The first season is when her children are at home, and the second is when her children have left the home. Obviously the first season is going to bear a lot more responsibilities for a "worker at home" than the second season because there are children in the house. I do not have any problems with a woman that can work both inside and outside her home, as long as top priority is given to the home. Having 3 children of my own, all under the age of 10, I can say that working outside of our home would be almost impossible for me to do. After waking all children, changing diapers, feeding all children their breakfast, cleaning up the kitchen from breakfast, tidying up the home, preparing lunch and, again, cleaning the kitchen, putting the toddler down for a nap, home educating the other 2 children whilst I continue cleaning the house, finish up teaching, preparing and cooking dinner, cleaning up the kitchen again, making sure teeth are brushed, and putting children to bed I am WIPED out! I cannot imagine having 5 kiddos at home, two with special needs; down syndrome and teenage pregnancy.

So ultimately I question how Sara Palin will tackle her job at home, which the Bible clearly states is top priority, and her job as a VP? I also have to question what desire motivates her to choose to take on such a demanding role of VP when there is so much to be done at home. Is it the desire for authority, money, personal publicity, or a desire to "clean up" the U.S.? These are just things to think about. As for right now, I need to get my oldest started on a report and then I'm of to helping her cook dinner. Oh the rewards of working at home:o)