Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Big Woods, Ch.3

So today in home school land we read chapter 3 of Big Woods. We learned about the mechanics of flintlock guns, owls, staying under the umbrella of protection that God has set up by obeying and honoring your parents; Ep. 6:1-3, Pr. 6:20-21, and Pr. 15:5. We also started a science experiment on rust what what elements protect steel from rusting. We studied about Angels and learned about how God saved Ishmail in Ge. 21:14-21. For fun we made shrinky dink sun catchers, cheap and easy! Payton (almost 5yo) practiced writing her name, something she loves to do while Paige (9yo) did some work in her fraction and word problems math books, something she hates to do!

When I started the day I was behind, but amazingly our school day was short and went rather well (beside the tantrum that Payton decided to throw before we studied obeying our parents! She's always trying to push my buttons and prove to me that her will is stronger than mine! Well I got her beat. I just finished reading The New Strong Willed Child by Dr. Dobson and I have learned a thing or 2 about how to show just who's in charge. Needless to say, things are going to change in little Payton's world!

I have been thinking a lot about our finances lately (like who hasn't), and recently read The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. We have pretty much lived frugally over the past 5 years, but this book did encourage me to create a new (and badly needed) budget, and pay down the small balance of credit card debt that we have. Oh, and I'm also learning to save-somethings I have to admit I have never done.

I listen to all of the doom and gloom about our economy, but-to be perfectly honest-I am looking forward to a cash economy! People (and I once was a victim of this) are to comfortable living beyond their ability and keeping up with the Jones' who are in debt! In fact, I plan on making a trip up to the library to learn about the Great Depression and what it was like, and just how they survived. Maybe I'll learn a few handy tricks. Ya know what they say, knowledge is power, and we could all use some of both right about now.

Well, Paige is about done with her comprehension questions, P.J. (2yo) needs to come out of the bed, and I need to start preparing dinner for tonight, stove top stuffed tuna cakes and rice.

This will end this days ramblings...catch ya the next go 'round :o)

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